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Serenity OS is something I want to take a closer look at. It also has a truly custom [[web browser]]. There are no pre-built images, so taking just a quick look is challenge of its own.

= Links => https://pleroma.envs.net/objects/75dd3c83-b4b7-478f-9f97-a58fd2beedaf A quick review of Serenity OS by Seirdy.

=> https://linus.dev/posts/trying-real-websites-in-the-serenityos-browser/ | Trying Realβ„’ Websites in the SerenityOS Browser => https://seirdy.one/notes/2022/07/08/re-trying-real-websites-in-the-serenityos-browser/ | Re: trying real websites in the SerenityOS browser

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